Sunday 22 September 2013

Kings Cross Area affected by Jewish control.

We have to look at the Jewish Control that allegedly is hidden within the problems.

The Control with UK could link to where allegedly Abe Saffron spent much of his time in Perth.
Alan Bond?   What we are looking for is key people that allegedly could link to a system.
Malcolm Turnbull is the Member for Wentworth Jewish background.
Emails that have been sent to Malcolm Turnbull 65 to date.

The company The Hells Angels Ltd I had been able to find in Australia and England.

Rodney Adler connection to Jewish lineage.

Bernie Houghton was linked to the drug network back in the 70's from Kings Cross.  He was a person that has fallen on the radar as a link to the CIA and was this enough of the pull from Kings Cross for the connections to President John F. Kennedy shooting as the drug network was the aim of Kennedy that was not told to other people outside of the CIA?

Michael J. Hand is the connection?  Was he the connection with the CIA, Kings Cross links, President John F. Kennedy and with the Prime Minister Harold Holt?

We can only wonder.

Abe Saffron was widely accepted and known to be a Russian Jew.

The person who started the Skull and Bones Society in America was a Russian Jew.

Was this person Michael J. Hand one of the secret society for the Golden Scorpion.  The Kings Cross Sting was investigation.  Scorpion Rituals coming soon.

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