Saturday 21 June 2014

Observations of 9/11 by John McCarthy researcher.

1) The concrete pulverized into fine dust, 70…300 micron particles (just this could take more energy than the total gravitational energy available).
2) Very energetic – hot – dust after the explosions. (Demolition charges would produce white clouds of dust, which would not move much, and a gravity-driven collapse would produce much less and more coarse dust.)
3) Brown shades of color seen in the air – these are produced by nuclear reactions of a thermonuclear device.
4) Superheated steel objects, disintegrating into steel vapour. Molten ponds of steel were found in the elevator shafts.
5) Elevated values of tritium in this area, but not elsewhere in New York.
6) An EMP-type phenomenon blacked out GSM phones at the moment when the first (southern) tower started to ‘fall down’, at the exact moment when a small thermonuclear bomb was detonated.
7) A wave of pressure was witnessed in the root of the tower at the moment when the so-called collapse was progressing just about two hundred meters and nothing had fallen down to earth.
8) In the cellar, out of all the 47 ultra strong steel pillars, the steel was melted completely at the length of more than 20 meters (approx. 65 ft).
9) Steel columns and pillars were ejected in the surroundings of the building. In the beginning of the so-called collapse, exists no such energy exists that could throw steel pillars outwards from 60 to 175 meters (approx. from 170 to 574 ft.) from trunk. Not even cutting charges can do that. Instead, the blast wave from a nuclear bomb is capable to do that. 

Firemen were fighting fires at Ground Zero for 99 days after 9/11. AVRIS data showed that temperature in one spot was 1,341 °F on 9/16/01. These high temperatures could be attributed to neutron bombs that were detonated underground in order to destroy the foundations of the Twin Towers.

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