Showing posts with label occult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label occult. Show all posts

Friday 8 May 2015

The Wizard of OZ is the key to the underworld

The Occult Symbolism of the Wizard of Oz Posted By: (LRB)
Before writing the Wizard of Oz, the author L. Frank Baum was editor of the Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer. In 1890, Baum wrote a series of articles regarding Theosophy, including his views on the use of mystic symbolism in fiction, something he put into practice ten years later with the Wizard of Oz. At that time, he wasn’t a member of the Theosophical Society but he exhibited a profound understanding of its teachings. The story of the Wizard of Oz is greatly admired by prominent members of the Theosophical Society, so much so that in 1986, they recognized Baum as a “notable Theosophist” who thoroughly represented the organization’s philosophy.
Although the Wizard of Oz is considered by many as a children’s fairy tale, it is rife with occult symbolism & spiritual allegory.
“There is no danger that dauntless courage cannot conquer, there is not trial that a spotless purity cannot pass through; there is no difficulty a strong intellect cannot surmount” – H.P. Blavatsky The Strange Characters of the Wizard of OzBefore...

Thursday 9 April 2015

Brother Grimm Stories and Aleister Crowley

  1. This Is No Fairy Tale - Grimm Occult Messages - YouTube
    Nov 7, 2012 - Uploaded by ChaosButterfly8
    Brothers Grimm Rumpelstiltskin Occult Message Hidden in plain sight. ... Jacob Wilhelm Grimm Talmudic Babylonian aleister crowley quotes  ...

    1. Witch Hunts in the Western World: Persecution and ...
      Brian Alexander Pavlac - 2009 - ‎History
      The Brothers Grimm collection of fairy tales relegated witches to childish fantasies. ...In particular, Aleister Crowley and Gerald Brosseau Gardner from Great  ...
    2. The Meaning of Witchcraft - Page 83 - Google Books Result
      Gerald B. Gardner - 2004 - ‎Body, Mind & Spirit
      Aleister Crowley defined it as "The Science and Art of causing Change to ... get their ideas of magic from Grimm's Fairy Tales, where someone waves a wand and ... I doubt if the Grimm brothers had ever heard of rain-making; if they had, they  ...
    3. Operation Mistletoe - Hilter, Churchhill, Crowley, the Queen ...
      Dec 8, 2012 - Aleister Crowley - The Loch-Ness Monster It wasn't until after reading ...insight of the story, read; The Secrets of Aleister Crowley by Amado Crowley, .... And Jacob Grimm, one half of the Brothers Grimm, states that “strong  ...

Wednesday 8 April 2015

The Occult Anatomy of Man- Gnostic Warrior

The Occult Anatomy of Man, by Manly P. Hall - In Scripture we are told that God made man in his own image. It is so stated not only in the Christian Bible but also in the holy writings of nearly all enlightened people. The Jewish patriarchs taught that the human body was the microcosm, or little cosmos, made in the image of the macrocosm, or the great cosmos. This analogy between the finite and infinite is said to be one of the keys by the aid of which the secrets of Holy Write are unlocked.
There is no doubt that the Old Testament is a physiological and anatomical textbook to those capable of reading it from a scientific viewpoint. The functions of the human body, the attributes of the human mind, and the qualities of the human soul, have been personified by the wise men fo the ancient world, and a great drama has been built around their relationships to themselves and to each other. To the great Egyptian demigod, Hermes, the human race owes its concept of the law of analogy.
The great Hermetic axiom was, That which is above is like unto that which is below, and that which is below is like unto that which is above.
The Occult Anatomy of Man, by Manly P. Hall - In Scripture we are told that God made man in his own image. It is so stated not only in the Christian Bible but

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Satanic Cult is real Fiona Burns unsolved murder

Fiona was reportedly counselled over claims she witnessed and took part in a sickening satanic ritual in Victoria during which a dog was skinned alive and later beaten to death before those present drank its blood.
Fiona’s family, however, said those claims were the product of an overactive imagination.
Acting Insp Buick said no motive has been established, and no new information had come to light.
John Lee was well known around Adelaide traps: youth hostels and pinball parlours where danger, drugs and trouble can lurk.

Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Occult law, history repeats every 33 years.......

The Occult Law of the 33 Year Rhythm and Secret Societies.
"Connections in intervals of 33 years bring understanding for the continuing current of historical progress ... That which happens in approximately this length of time - one can, of course, only speak of such things in approximate terms - points to a moment of birth 33 years previously and is itself the birth-point for what will happen in the course of the next 33 years."
"everything in history rises up from the grave in a changed form after 33 years"
(Rudolf Steiner, lecture of 23 December 1917 entitled 'Et Incarnatus est - the time cycle in historical events')
Let us examine first of all whether there is evidence that the secret societies have knowledge of this law. (A second post entitled 'The Occult Reasons for World War Two' will give examples of the more natural, subtle workings of this law).
It is interesting to discover that the slayings of three most significant people to have been assassinated in the Western world over the past two centuries fall within this law. Let us examine this:
Abraham Lincoln is shot on the 14 April 1865 and dies on the morning of the 15th without regaining consciousness. Let us take the date of the shooting as the focal point of a twelve month period - 14 October 1864 to 14 October 1865.
Now let us bring that period forward 33 years, then another 33 years and then a further 33 years, which gives us the original period plus 99 years. This gives us:
14 October 1963 to 14 October 1964. John F. Kennedy is shot within this window of time, namely on the 22 November 1963
Now we can continue the original rhythm by a further 33 years. This gives us:
14 October 1996 to 14 October 1997. Princess Diana is murdered within this window of time, on the 21 August 1997
Is this an example of human circles trying to enact a perverted version of the principle? - ie. instead of the appearance of the natural consequences of an action these circles are repeating ritual acts within the laws of the rhythm. Maybe they simply wish us to incorrectly conceive of this law in a very materialistic and fatalist manner, namely that events naturally simply repeat themselves every 33 years, which is not true.
The hidden rhythm behind the timing of these assassanations adds to their power, presumably this is in part due to the fact that these events are plotted in such a way that they fall within the confines of this hidden law, which means that the events then have a more profund effect on the subsconcious of men ignorant of the underlying law - the effect on the subsconcious part of the soul is greater as it lives within this rhythm. The only way to break the spell is to become conscious of the underlying spiritual aspects of existence, which the corrupt secret societies are trying so hard to suppress from the popular consciousness of humanity.
Is there some deeper connection between the three? One could speculate that Lincoln was killed partly to protect the financial interests involved with the Federal Reserve. The killing of Kennedy, it could be argued, was necessitated by the same circles, when Kennedy attempted to institute, through Executive Order, what Lincoln had sought; Kennedy felt the same urge to reign in the power of private finance over government which Lincoln had felt. The added factor with Kennedy being that the military circles and those with money tied up in arms production opposed Kennedy's pledge to have all US troops out of Vietnam by 1965.With his death began the mystique which surrounds the Kennedy name, for, so it is asserted, his was the American 'Golden Age' cut short by the Guns of Dallas. Princess Diana was killed primarily for other reasons, which, in one sense, reduce to English racial arrogance, but the same financial-industrial circles which co-operated in Kennedy's killing, are alleged to have co-operated in Diana's, partly because of her high profile campaign against landmines and the fear that this would not be her last campaign against the weapons of war - would she, for example, have campaigned against the Depleted Uranium munitions which have polluted Serbia and Kosovo, as well as Iraq, and harmed the health of our own troops? She was also intending to marry into a family with a background in arms dealing. Indeed, Dodi was alleged to have laundered the profits of his uncle's illegal arms deals through his Hollywood productions company in the 1980s. The outpourings of grief in Britain following her death were quite unprecendented, and the funeral was probably the biggest since Churchill's in 1965. The 'cult of Diana' is also similar to the 'cult of Kennedy'; if Kennedy's killing was the Killing of the King ritual, was Diana's the Killing of the Queen? Maybe if the actual murderers read this they will realize that it is not only earthly powers which their actions are serving.
(Note: Although the assassination of Archduke Franz-Ferdinand in 1914 had a seemingly greater effect in that it provoked World War I, firstly, the impetus for war was building up in Europe and would almost certainly have been triggered anyway at some point - the assassination was only the final straw as it were - and, secondly, the impact of the deaths of Lincoln, Kennedy and Diana on the popular consciousness was far greater.)
This kind of analysis is part of what is known as 'reading the occult script', learning how to relate the signs and symbolism of the events of this world to their origins in the spiritual world.
Another example of the 33 year rhythm apparantly repeating an occurence 33 years on is the Foot and Mouth epidemic in Britain. The last major outbreak in Britain began in late October 1967 and lasted into 1968. Using the formula for the start date we create a window from April 2000 to April 2001 and the current epidemic clearly began within these temporal boundaries. Coincidence?
This extract from Tradowsky's 'Kaspar Hauser' on the work 'Rosemary's Baby' provides further illustration that there are people possessing and using this knowledge but not sharing it with their fellow men.
"In 1967 the novel by Ira Levin called Rosemary's Baby appeared in London. It significantly became an international bestseller and was most successfully made into a film by Roman Polanski. In the novel, which tells of the birth of Satan on 25 June 1966, the 33 years are mentioned without any explanation being given. The soul-deceiving and fateful proceedings which happen to a young woman - Rosemary - on 4 October 1965 at the conception of Satan are even explained therein by a reference to a book by J.R. Hanslet that was published in Torquay in 1934, All of Them Witches. "We are living in the year 1966," said Rosemary's husband. "This book was published in 1933," said Rosemary. "There were covens - that's what they called them - in Europe, in North and South America, in Australia. Do you think they've all died out in just 33 years?" This 33-year connection is still further emphasized by the fact that Rosemary's husband is himself 33 years old. It is highly symptomatic that wide circles - even if only in a novel - take account of the conception and birth of Satan, here called Adrian Stevens. In his Christian name a suggestion of Ahriman can be distinguished. A circle of people assists - with knowledgeable skill - at the birth of this satanic being. The conception takes place on 4 October 1965 during the Pope's visit to New York, strikingly on the same date of the year as the launching of Sputnik on 4 October 1957. During the conception the mother is in a state of unconsciousness, caused by alcohol and an ointment called 'chocolate mouse', which was administered to her by the circle of people who purposefully direct proceedings. The husband - himself very drunk - already serves the satanic crew consciously at this point, and is rewarded for it by being helped by them to a successful acting career.
This satanic community makes use of human beings for its own ends, in the same way as the occult brotherhoods applied their methods (see p.105 ff). Consciously and purposefully something is brought about of which the person concerned is not allowed to know or suspect anything, as is here pre-eminently exemplified in Rosemary herself. The seduction of her husband was so arranged that he came under the spell - unnoticed by himself - of a group of people and their intentions. This was brought about by the psychological trick of fully, but surreptitiously, meeting all his inclinations and interests and by that - unknown to him - gaining his sympathies. Destructive occult powers are ruthlessly and murderously employed against those who stand in the way of the group's plans being put into practice (as with Donald Baumgart who is suddenly struck blind) or those who begin to get wise to their plots and to recognize them for what they are (as with Hutch, who wakes up temporarily from his deep and unexplained state of oblivion before dying).
The birth of Satan is systematically evolved as a counterpart to the birth of Christ and therefore is so placed in the course of the year that it takes place directly after St John's, 'just after midnight on 25 June . . . immediately after the end of the half year of you know what'. This date - 25 June 1966 - was allegedly prophesied by Edmond Lautreamont 300 years ago, that is in 1666. If one omits the thousand from this figure it is certainly not by chance that we arrive at 666, first named by John in the Apocalypse (Chapter 13) and about which we shall have more to say. This concealed hint about the number 666 is easily overlooked. It is important to remember that 33 years after the cataclysmic events of Central Europe, the spiritual background of which is made clear by the indications of Rudolf Steiner, it is just in New York that the words are expressed: "God is dead and Satan lives. It is year 1, the first year of our Lord! Adrian's year has started." With that the end of the century is prophetically alluded to, the time when Satan, born in 1966, will have reached the age of that Being against whom he believes he has to fight. It is not of much importance to ask if the things recorded here actually happened in this way. But it is decisive to be clear about the fact that such manipulations are basically possible and must be taken seriously. One can look upon this novel as a summons to overcome the dangerous blindness and irresponsible naiveté in face of such evil occult influences upon history.
It must remain an open question as to the source of the knowledge that Ira Levin uses and which, as a novelist, he is not forced to disclose. It is more important to ask about the impulse by which it was motivated. Is it by intention (and by what circles and to what purpose?) or by necessity, that in our day similar things happen, as it were, in public? The necessity can be understood from the course of history as here related because, since the end of Kali Yuga, the spirit reveals itself ever more directly to human beings. Included with this spirit, connected with human development, are also the evil beings opposed to humanity's progress, which inevitably hinder and obstruct man, so that by gaining knowledge of evil he can determine his own course out of freedom. Mankind today is much more deeply involved in the struggle to recognize evil than it cares to admit, because the spiritual-cosmic dimensions of this battle have hardly become conscious."
(from Peter Tradowsky, 'Kaspar Hauser - The Struggle for the Spirit', pp.179-81)

Friday 20 September 2013

5 Steps within the system of the Rituals with the occult.

5 Steps.

Gang movement for the crime to happen
Ritual for the movement within a gang
Crime to take place
Police involvement for the alleged gang members do not even to be questioned
Gang member to not be caught

Who within the alleged Outlaw gang has the position Almighty Mouse?  Is this the Person who is the God or the hidden force for the 93 behind the scenes?  I would wonder?  Almighty Mouse, Almighty God?  It’s a thought.  Hidden to be silent until the end he entered the  premises?  The first person inside the brothel after the drug raid was allegedly Scott Orrock.  Now is this the hidden FORCE of 93?  Not old enough for the alleged murder of Juanita Nielsen.

Master was a position, Mouse was another that Alex was working with me to solve the problem I had.  Michael, Michael was the representation of the Arch Angel Michael was mentioned 3 positions within the alleged gang that was a position that would link into alleged gangs around the world.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Research Bible links for the alleged Occult.... Hidden research of The Kings Cross Sting

Adam and Eve, the Golden Apple.  Next time you visit a brothel,
ever wondered what happens behind the scenes....check out
The Kings Cross Sting  Vacancy empty on Darlinghurst Road, is this the Pit of Death
The brothel in Kings Cross, is just the Casual Vacancy that exists.

Kings Cross, or is it King of the X as the X relates to Black Magic.
Biblical References, just read you like me will be shocked at the meaning
where the Rebellion Angel sends the crime wave to terror in the general Public.
Then look at dates, with references to Meteor showers, Blue Moon
and the Planets as the timing in some cases of horrific crimes.

Author Jennifer Stone aka Jennifer Weatherstone
Queen of the Cross
Maltese sic Cross
Within the drug network, allegedly the worshipping of the King with in the teachings, is carried out with a black and white reference as we
found within the Luna Park Ghost Train Fire we note the researching within the  Jewish system as Abe Saffron was Jewish and the links
to allegedly Hells Angels, Rebellion Angel, Red and White stripes the opposite as  I was brought up with a Grandfather a  Mason would think
the access to the research of World Famous Sparkling Chandeliers, this is history.....The pimps utilising the Escorts, as the Sex Museum will
expose for the alleged movement of the drug network.  However the Escorts are the guard of honour the strength hidden behind
the alleged drug network.
This brothel, has been built on the Michael's Ley line, this has been worshipped by the drug network like the Skull and Bones
Tomb in Yale University.
Yom Kipper ends with the blowing of the Shofar, The trumpet that heralds the Coming of the Messiah,
An ancient prayer in a Jewish Day of Atomment. Our Righteous Messiah has departed from us,
We are horror-stricken, and have none to Justify us, Our inquities and the yoke of our transgessions,
He bears on his shoulder the burden of our sins, To find Pardon for all our inquities,
By HIS STRIPES we shall be healed-
O Eternal one, it is time that thou should create him a new!
The links to Aliens, have gone down since the disappearance of Prime Minister Harold Holt.

Moloch has been traditionally interpreted as the name of a god, possibly a god titled the king,
but purposely misvocalized as Molek instead of Melek using the vowels of Hebrew bosheth ’shame’.
Moloch appears in the Hebrew of 1 Kings 11.7 (on Solomon’s religious failings):
Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and lmlk,
the abomination of the Sons of Ammon.
But in other passages the god of the Ammonites is named Milcom, not Moloch (see 1 Kings 11.33; Zephaniah 1.5). The Septuagint reads
Milcom in 1 Kings 11.7 instead of Moloch which suggests a scribal error in the Hebrew. Many English translations accordingly follow the
non-Hebrew versions at this point and render Milcom.
(The form mlkm can also mean ‘their king’ as well as Milcom and therefore one cannot always be sure in some other passages whether the

King of Ammon is intended or the god Milcom.) It has also been suggested that the Ba‘al of Tyre, Melqart ‘king of the city’ (who was probably the
Ba‘al whose worship was furthered by Ahab and his house) was this supposed god Moloch and that Melqart/Moloch was also Milcom the god of the
Ammonites and identical with other gods whose names contain mlk. But nothing particularly suggests these identifications other than mlk in the various names.
The Hebrew word for yellow is 'y@raqraq' meaning yellow or greenish yellow. It is connected with the description of gold only in the Psalms:
"Though you lie down among the sheepfolds, You will be like the wings of a dove covered with silver, And her feathers with yellow gold." Psa 68:13
Gold or Yellow: Symbolizes the Glory of God ; divine nature; holiness; eternal deity; the Godhead; Purification; majesty; righteousness; divine light; kingliness; trial by fire;
mercy; power; His Deity; Glory. Revelations 3:18; Revelations 4:4; Mal: 3:3; 1 Peter: 1:7

· Yellow or Gold is also primary. It always speaks of trial and purging. "That trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire,
might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ".(1 Peter 1:7)Amos 5.27 reads in close translation:
But you shall carry Sikkut your king,
and Kiyyun, your images, the star-symbol of your god
which you made for yourself.
The Septuagint renders ‘your king’ as Moloch, perhaps from a scribal error, whence the verse appears in Acts 7.43:
All other references to Moloch use mlk only in the context of “passing children through fire lmlk”, whatever is meant by lmlk, whether it means “to Moloch” or
means something else. It has traditionally been understood to mean burning children alive to the god Moloch. But some have suggested a rite of purification by fire instead,
though perhaps a dangerous one. References to passing through fire without mentioning mlk appear in Deuteronomy 12.31, 18.10–13; 2 Kings 21.6; Ezekiel 20.26,31; 23.37.
So the existence of this practice is well documented. For a comparable practice of rendering infants immortal by passing them through the fire, indirectly attested in early
Greek myth, see the entries for Thetis and also the myth of Demeter as the nurse of Demophon.
Strong's Number H6669 matches the Hebrew צָ×”ֹב (tsahob), which occurs 3 times in 3 verses in the Hebrew concordance of the KJV
Page 1 / 1 (Lev 13:30 - Lev 13:36)
Then the priest shall see 7200 the plague 5061: and, behold, if it [be] in sight 4758 deeper 6013 than the skin ; [and there be] in it a yellow 6669 thin 1851 hair ; then the priest 3548 shall pronounce him unclean : it [is] a dry scall , [even] a leprosy upon the head or beard 2206.
And in the seventh 7637 day the priest shall look 7200 on the plague 5061: and, behold, [if] the scall spread not, and there be in it no yellow 6669 hair , and the scall 5424 [be] not in sight deeper 6013 than the skin 5785;
Then the priest 3548 shall look 7200 on him: and, behold, if the scall 5424 be spread 6581 in the skin 5785, the priest 3548 shall not seek 1239 for yellow6669 hair 8181; he [is] unclean 2931.
Psa 12:6  The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Danel 11:43 He will gain control over the gold, silver, and treasures of Egypt, and the Libyans and Ethiopians will be his servants.
Daniel 2: 42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.
Biblical texts
The pertinent Biblical texts follow in very literal translation. The word here translated literally as ’seed’ very often means offspring. The forms containing mlk have been left untranslated. The reader may substitute either “to Moloch” or “as a molk”.
Leviticus 18.21
And you shall not let any of your seed pass through Mo’lech, neither shall you profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.
Leviticus 20.2–5:
Again, you shall say to the Sons of Israel: Whoever he be of the Sons of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that gives any of his seed Mo’lech;
he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones. And I will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people;
because he has given of his seed Mo’lech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the land do at all hide their eyes from that man,
when he gives of his seed Mo’lech, and do not kill him, then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off,
and all that go astray after him, whoring after Mo’lech from among the people.
2 Kings 23.10 (on King Josiah’s reform):
And he defiled the Tophet, which is in the valley of Ben-hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter pass through the fire Mo’lech.
Jeremiah 32.35:
And they built the high places of the Ba‘al, which are in the valley of Ben-hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire Mo’lech;
which I did not command them, nor did it come into my mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
Moloch has also been referred to simply as a rebel angel.
Traditional accounts and theories
The 12th century rabbi Rashi, commenting on Jeremiah 7.31 stated:
Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot,
they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might
not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.
A different rabbinical tradition says that the idol was hollow and was divided into seven compartments, in one of which they put flour,
in the second turtle-doves, in the third a ewe, in the fourth a ram, in the fifth a calf, in the sixth an ox, and in the seventh a child,
which were all burnt together by heating the statue inside.
2 Chronicles 33:1-9 (NKJV) Manassah was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty five years in Jerusalem.
(2) But he did evil in the sight of the Lord , according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel.
(3) For he rebuilt the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down; [My notes Hezekiah was Ahaz’s son.]
he raised up altars for the Ba’als, and made wooden images; and he worshiped all the host of heaven and served them.
[Chambers Encyclopedia melech was often used as divine name for heavenly king.] (4) He also built altars in the house of the Lord
of which the Lord had said “In Jerusalem shall My name be forever”. (5) And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two
courts of the house of the Lord. (6) Also he caused his sons to pass through the fire in the Valley of the son of Hinnom; he
practiced soothsaying, used witchcraft and sorcery. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke Him to anger.
(7) he even set a carved image , the idol which he had made , in the house of God, ……..(9) So Manassah seduced Judah and the
inhabitants of Jerusalem to do more evil than the nations whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel. [Read on to see how Manassah repented.]
That day was in Ezekiel’s day, but as Revelation 2:14 points out it was still going on in the 90’s AD. (14) But I have a few things against you,
because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balaak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel,
to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality. (15) Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolatiams which thing I hate,
[6] Weinfeld argues that the verbs (”to give” or “to cause to pass over or through”) in the legal texts of Leviticus and Deuteronomy
do not indicate “sacrifice” or “burning,” whereas the editors of the Anchor Bible Dictionary point out that the usage of those same
verbs in Num 31:23 certainly do indicate “burning in the fire.” Continuing the argument on whether the children were actually burnt in
sacrifice to Moloch, Alfred Edersheim, who believes that Moloch was really just another form of Baal and must be differentiated
as well from Molech, Milcom, etc.
[14] Traces of Moloch… in modern society “In the ancient rite, the child was sacrificed in the hopes that Molech would bless the family
with a good harvest, victory in battle, or financial gain. In the modern ‘rite’ of abortion, women sacrifice their children for their careers,
social acceptability, or selfish personal needs.”
Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, the fathers Kindle fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the Queen of the heaven.
Jeremiah 1:16 they have burned incense to other gods
Jeremiah 7:31 And they have built the high place of Topheth, it will no more be called Topheth, or the valley of the slaughteer
Jeremiah 9:15 I will feared this people with wormwood and give them poisonous water to drink.
Jeremiah 11:13 This said the Lord to me :Go and buy a linen waistcloth and put it on your loins and do not dip it in waater.
Jeremiah 19:4 Because the people have forsakenme and have profamed this place by burning incense  in it to other gods who neither
they nor their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known; and because they have filled this place with the blood of innocents, and have built
the high places of Ba-al to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Ba’al
Psalms 64
Matthew 27, 277:37 St John Chapter 6, Acts 2:19, Acts 18, Timothy 4:8, Revilation 8:2, Revelaton 9:10, Proverbs 5:4, Proverbs 7,
Proverbs9:13, Proverbs 13:9, Proverbs 18.7, Proverbs 19:26,20:1,25:5,28:25 , 30:30 31:31
King 1:13 and he shall sacrifice upon the priests of the high places who burn incense upon you and men’s bones shall be burned upon you.
Kings 1-20 I sent to you saying ‘Deliver to me your silver and gold, your wives and your children…